Do you find yourself struggling to put your baby in their lowered crib? Here are seven simple hacks to make the process easier for everyone involved!
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If you are here, chances are your back isn’t massively happy from leaning in to put your baby in a lowered crib.
Whether you’re short (hello #shortmomproblems) or not, getting down to baby’s level every time they need to be picked up or put down from a lowered crib can be a pain, especially as they’re getting bigger and heavier.
The good news is that you don’t have to just accept having a sore back until your baby outgrows the crib. In this article, we’ll give you 7 hacks to help you put your baby in a lowered crib with ease, regardless of your height or size.
So you have lowered your crib to the lowest setting, and it’s now a long way down for you to put your baby in their crib.
You might be feeling frustrated, and your back is probably not happy. But don’t worry, here are seven hacks to help you put your baby in a lowered crib with ease:
- Hack #1: Get Yourself a Step Stool
- Hack #2: Put Your Baby Awake in The Crib
- Hack #3: Get a Crib with A Lowered Side
- Hack #4: Cut Some Inches Off Your Crib's Legs
- Hack #5: Ask Your (taller) Partner for Help
- Hack #6: Get More Flexible
- Hack #7: Give up On the Crib and Switch to A Floor Bed
- Don't Let a Drop-Side Crib Tempt You
- Bottom Line
Hack #1: Get Yourself a Step Stool
Instead of standing on your tiptoes every time you have to put your baby down in their cot, consider adding a few centimeters to your height! You can do that by using a stool or step ladder to get closer to the crib’s railing. If you have a particularly wiggly baby, you might also want to use this hack to make sure they stay in the crib until you’re done putting them down.
That being said, a stool may make you have to reach further down, which can be unsafe with a child in your hands. So how can you make sure you don’t fall into the crib? A little tip to give yourself some extra balance is to put your knee in between the crib’s rails when you are bending to put your baby down.
A little tip to give yourself some extra balance is to put your knee in between the rails of the crib when you are bending to put your baby down.
Another tip is to choose a wide step stool like this one from amazon that can hold up to 400 pounds and will give you a boost of more than 6 inches, so you can get taller without having to worry about losing your balance as much. And if you have a toddler who likes to climb on things, make sure to keep the stool out of their reach when it’s not in use!
Hack #2: Put Your Baby Awake in The Crib
Okay, this can definitely be hard to accomplish, but if you can get your baby to go down awake, you can actually put them in a standing position or sitting down and then help them lie down. This would make the task of putting your baby in a lowered crib much easier for you. Your baby will likely also sit up or stand when you have to pick them up in the morning, so that means you’ll have no issues with the crib mattress height anymore.
Putting your baby drowsy but awake might not be as easy as it sounds, but that’s what will help your child to learn that the crib is where they’re going to sleep and learn (very) important self-soothing skills to put themselves to sleep.
The fact that your baby expects that they will be transferred to the crib to sleep makes them more calm about the process, and it also prevents them from waking up startled after you have put them down in the crib.
The first times you try putting your baby awake in the crib, let them fuss for some time and see if they settle themselves first. Sometimes it’s a gamble that actually works. If they start wiggling or squirming, you can try keeping your hand on their tummy for a minute to let them know you’re there. Swaddling can also do wonders for this; it helps your baby feel secure and calm and will prevent the “startle reflex” that usually wakes them up in the MOTN and brings you back to the start of the bedtime routine all over again.
Related: Swaddling Baby: A Step By Step Guide
Hack #3: Get a Crib with A Lowered Side
If you haven’t bought a crib yet, it’s best to anticipate this problem and get a more adequate crib for your needs.
If you are a short person, you might be finding it difficult to put your baby in their lowered crib. This is because the traditional height of a crib makes it hard for shorter people to reach the railing.
A low profile crib solves this problem by having a shorter height, which makes it easier for shorter people to put their baby in their crib.
The height of a low profile crib is lower than a traditional crib by about four inches.
This means that you don’t have to bend down as much to put your baby in the crib, which is especially helpful if you are pregnant or have back problems.
The height of a low-profile crib is lower than a traditional crib by about four inches. This means that you don’t have to bend down as much to put your baby in the crib.
You can find a low profile crib online, and at most baby stores, they measure about 34 inches, while regular cribs typically have a profile of 39 to 40 inches.
Be sure to pick a firm, tight-fitting crib mattress because a soft mattress can be a suffocation hazard.
Hack #4: Cut Some Inches Off Your Crib’s Legs
This is a rather radical hack, but if you are very short, it can be a lifesaver. The idea is to cut a few inches off the legs of your crib so that it becomes shorter in height.
If your crib has legs that are 10 inches tall, for example, you can safely cut off four inches so that the crib becomes lower for you.
Sometimes, a few inches are what makes the difference between being able to reach the railing on a crib and not.
This hack is not recommended unless you are absolutely sure what you are doing. If you do not feel comfortable or confident in your ability to safely modify the crib and be precise when measuring and cutting the legs.
You also need to be sure that the crib is stable and won’t topple over after you have shortened the legs.
If you are comfortable with DIY projects, then this hack is a great way to make your crib more accessible. Just be sure to follow all the necessary safety precautions when modifying the crib.
Hack #5: Ask Your (taller) Partner for Help
If you are finding it difficult to reach the railing of your crib, don’t be afraid to ask for help from time to time. Your partner will probably be more than happy to help out with this task.
You can also ask them to relieve you of some straining chores around the house, such as reaching for something on a high shelf or moving heavy objects around.
There is no shame in admitting that you need help every once in a while. In fact, it can be a sign of strength to admit when you need assistance and to ask for it from those who are able to provide it. So don’t be afraid to ask.
If you are a new mom, I encourage you to ask for help whenever you need it.
There are so many things to learn and so much to do in those first few months after the baby is born that it can be hard to do it all on your own.
Ask your partner, friends, or family for help and delegate some of the tasks that are proving to be too difficult.
Hack #6: Get More Flexible
Bending over the crib railing to pick up your baby can be difficult if you are not very flexible. If this is the case, you might want to consider doing some stretching exercises on a regular basis.
This will help you become more limber and better able to reach up and down without putting so much strain on your back.
There are many different types of stretching exercises that you can do, so find one that works best for you and stick with it.
You might want to do this exercise before bedtime so that you can relax and get a good night’s sleep.
Yoga is a great way to improve your flexibility, and there are many different types of yoga that cater to all levels of experience.
If you have never tried yoga before, it might be a good idea to give it a go. You can find some great beginner’s yoga classes at your local gym or community center or even virtual classes on the internet.
Hack #7: Give up On the Crib and Switch to A Floor Bed
This is definitely the most radical hack of them all, but it might be just what you need if you are finding it difficult to reach the railing on your crib.
A floor bed is a great option for babies who have gained enough control on their own to roll out of the floor bed without getting hurt.
If you decide to go with a floor bed, you have to thoroughly baby-proof your nursery so that your little one can’t get injured when they crawl out of bed and move all around the room.
A floor bed is a great way to help your baby develop his or her motor skills, and it can be a lot of fun for your little one to sleep on the floor.
It is also a great option for parents who want to save money on baby furniture, as you can use a simple mattress and put it directly on the floor for your baby to sleep on.
Don’t Let a Drop-Side Crib Tempt You
As you can see, when it comes to ways to make putting your baby in their lowered crib easier, we do not consider getting a drop-side crib as an option. And for a good reason! The CPSC has issued 11 recalls involving more than 7 million drop-side cribs because of the serious safety hazards they pose to babies.
If your crib has a drop side, it is important to make sure that it is properly fixed in place and that all of the screws are tightened.
You should also check the crib regularly to make sure that there are no loose parts or broken hinges.
Bottom Line
So there you have it, seven different ways to make life easier when it comes to putting your baby to sleep in their lowered cot.
Whether you decide to use a step stool, a lowered crib, or switch to a floor bed, make sure that you are comfortable with the decision and that your baby is safe.
Don’t forget to baby-proof your nursery, as this is essential for keeping your little one safe when sleeping on the floor.
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